Aviva's Savings Plan

Save for a sunny day

What is Savings Plan?

When you have something special to look forward to, it makes everything a little brighter. That’s where a sensible savings plan comes in, it can help you achieve your important financial goals such as paying college fees, buying your first home or helping your children get on the property ladder. 

Savings Plan is an investment product that gives you a straightforward way to save every month via direct debit to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.

And, should a rainy day come, you have the peace of mind of knowing you can access your money whenever you need to when you invest in our easy access options.


Invest from as little as €100 per month.


With Aviva Savings Plan your money will be invested, meaning it will have good potential for growth, especially over the long-term. Your investment options include our popular Multi-Asset ESG Funds.


Track your investments with Aviva online and our easy-to-use fund centre.

The basics

Planning your financial future can be as straightforward as you want it to be. But first, there are a few things you should think about.

What are my financial goals?

Should I save or invest?

What’s my attitude to risk?

How much control do you want?

Is Aviva Savings Plan right for you?

To invest in Aviva Savings Plan you must:

Be over 18 years of age and less than 79 years of age.

Be resident for tax purposes in the Republic of Ireland and have an address in the Republic of Ireland.

Aviva Savings Plan may suit if you:

  • Are looking for a medium – long-term savings policy (i.e. at least 5 years).
  • Are happy with the choice of funds into which you can invest your savings and are happy to take risk with the aim of generating returns.
  • Are happy with the charges on this product.
  • Are prepared to risk getting back less than you put in.
  • Can save at least €100 per month.
  • Are aged between 18 and 79.

Aviva Savings Plan may not suit you if you:

  • Want to save for less than 5 years. Are not happy with the choice of funds into which you can invest your lump sum and are not happy to take risk with the aim of generating returns.
  • Are not happy with the charges on this product.
  • You are not prepared to risk getting back less than you put in.
  • Cannot save at least €250 per month.
  • Are aged under 18 or over 79.

Savings Plans

Saving for children

Do you want to give your child a head start in life when they turn 18? Aviva's Children's Savings Investment Trust could be what you're looking for. This product provides a tax-efficient way to save up to €3,000 for each child (or €6,000 for a couple) each year.

View saving for children 

Saving to offset gift tax

Are you thinking of giving a financial gift while you're alive? You can give gifts tax free up to a certain amount to anyone. For example, a child can receive a gift up to €335,000 tax-free from their parents. However, if the value of the gift exceeds the relevant threshold, the recipient may need to pay 33% in gift tax.

View saving for gift tax

Investments that work for you

Investing your money

We all have different preferences for how we like to invest, and we aim to match our offering with your needs. 

With the help of your Financial Broker, you can opt for a simple ready made solution or build your portfolio selecting funds from our Aviva Select Range.  We also offer responsible investing options across our ranges.

Video Library

Aviva’s new Savings and Investment Products

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00:00:00 Video Starts

00:00:06 - Question

Stephen Rice one minute pitch.

Savings and investments.

Your time starts now.

Deposit accounts or investment products?

00:00:15 Stephen Rice

Deposits for short-term need, such as your rainy day fund. Investments for longer term horizons, such as kids education, or indeed, your retirement.

00:00:23 - Question

Why choose an investment product to meet longer term needs.

00:00:26 Stephen Rice

Two main reasons, I suppose to beat deposit rates over the longer term, and secondly, to beat inflation.

00:00:31 - Question

Why invest with Aviva?

00:00:33 Stephen Rice

We offer a range of funds to meet different people’s risk profiles, and we also have ESG, or sustainability at the core of our ethos.

00:00:42 - Question

Do you need a lot of money to invest?

00:00:43 Stephen Rice

No, you can start saving with Aviva from €250 per month.

00:00:48 - Question

How do you invest?

00:00:49 Stephen Rice

Very simply talk to your financial broker who will match you with the right product for your needs at a point in time.

00:00:54 - Question

What are your top tips for investing?

00:00:55 Stephen Rice

It may sound simple but understand the time horizon you wish to save for and why you’re saving.

00:01:00 - Question

Finally, Stephen, what are you investing for at the moment?

00:01:03 Stephen Rice

Well as a father with a young family, for me it’s definitely education, and maybe the need to move to a bigger house or extend on our current house as the kids get a bit older.

00:01:14 - Question

Stephen, your time is up.

For more information on savings and investments, contact your financial broker.

00:01:34 Video Ends

Your investment options 

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00:00:00 Video Starts

00:00:06 - Question

John Deehan one minute pitch.

Aviva’s investment range.

Your time starts now.

What options do Aviva have for investors?

00:00:14 John Deehan

Aviva offer a range of investment options to suit clients different risk profiles across our manage for you, with you, and by you ranges. These include options such as the world’s leading fund managers.

00:00:24 - Question

What is the managed for you range?

00:00:26 John Deehan

This range comprises of a choice of Aviva multi asset funds, and are perfect for clients who want Aviva experts to manage their money, aligned to their risk profile.

00:00:32 - Question

And the managed with you range?

00:00:34 John Deehan

You can build and manage a diversified portfolio, through a range of equity, bond, property, specialist multi asset alternative funds managed by Aviva and other leading fund managers.

00:00:43 - Question

And lastly the managed by you range?

00:00:45 John Deehan

This range gives clients the flexibility to build a highly tailored and specialised portfolio through our self-directed investment options that includes share trading and structure products.

00:00:54 - Question

And do Aviva offer sustainable investment options?

00:00:57 John Deehan

Yes we offer a number of options that are classified as ESG funds under new European regulations.

00:01:01 - Question

Finally, John, where are you investing at the moment?

00:01:04 John Deehan

I’m a great believer in diversification and the benefits of equities and I’m currently investing in a blend of different multi asset and equity funds.

00:01:10 - Question

John, your time is up.

For more information on Aviva’s investment range, contact your financial broker.

00:01:30 Video Ends

ESG investing

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00:00:00 Video Starts

00:00:06 - Question

Peter Smith one minute pitch.

ESG investing.

Your time starts now.

What does ESG mean?

00:00:13 Peter Smith

ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance and really deals with how companies interact with the environment, how they treat their suppliers and staff, and how that company is governed.

00:00:24 - Question

And why is it important?

00:00:26 Peter Smith

It’s important because it can take your money and it gives it the opportunity to make change across boardrooms in the world.

00:00:32 - Question

Will it make a real difference?

00:00:33 Peter Smith

It makes a real difference and it’s been shown to be 20 times more effective by greening your pension, than changing to an electric car.

00:00:42 - Question

Will I have to pay more to invest sustainably?

00:00:44 Peter Smith

Absolutely not, we offer a wide range of ESG funds at standard management charges.

00:00:51 - Question

Why should people consider Aviva investors for ESG?

00:00:54 Peter Smith

Aviva investors in 2021 won ESG provider of the year at the Irish pension awards.

00:01:00 - Question

Finally, name a company you think is doing well in the fight against climate change.

00:01:04 Peter Smith

BP, historically an oil and gas company, is transitioning to become carbon net zero by 2050.

00:01:10 - Question

Peter, your time is up.

For more information on ESG investing, contact your financial broker.

00:01:32 Video Ends

Understanding ESG and Our Approach

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Video starts


Aviva research indicates that environmental, social and.


Governance investing, or ESG investing for short.


Is important to 70% of Irish pension investors. No wonder ESG investing is gaining traction.


Research is increasingly showing that this investing.


Method can reduce portfolio risk, generate competitive investment returns and help investors feel good.


About the funds they invest in. In a nutshell, ESG investing involves researching.


And considering environmental, social and governance issues.


In addition to other factors such as financial criteria when evaluating different investments.


For inclusion in investments funds e are environment concerns, how corporations interact with the physical environment such as climate change, biodiversity, natural resources, carbon emissions, air and water.


Pollution, and energy use.


S for social looks at the impact companies have on society and communities, including human rights, health and safety issues, labour standards, product liability, privacy and data security. Qi or Governance focuses on how companies are governed, including diversity, transparency, ownership board independence, ethics and executive compensation.


ESG investing has become mainstream and for many investors around the world, and it's a requirement that must be considered before they invest.


Aviva offer Responsible Fund investment options across are managed for you, managed with you and managed by you propositions. For example, through our managed for you and managed with you propositions, we offer a range of funds from Aviva Investors who integrate ESG into their investment processes where possible. This includes our range of Aviva multi asset ESG funds. Aviva Investors is the asset management part of the Aviva Group and a Global Asset Manager with integrated experience across all major asset classes. Aviva Investors engage and meet with global companies to encourage them to change and build a substantial business for the future. And they're at the forefront of encouraging overall market reform, helping to drive regulatory change across financial markets. To encourage better practise and drive meaningful change. Aviva Investors has a dedicated team of over 30 ESG analysts and have built ESG considerations into their investment processes. What this means is that when they're considering whether to include individual investments such as company shares in your investment fund.


They will analyse traditional financial metrics alongside.


ESG criteria such as impact on the environment, company culture and corporate governance. Aviva Investors is a pioneer in responsible investments. They've been actively voting since 1970 to encourage responsible behaviour by companies and to consider ESG criteria. Today they are recognised as a global leader in ESG investing. They are a founding member of the UN Principles for Responsible Investing and today they're a plus rated for their approach as part of the Aviva Group. Their ambition is to be net zero for investments by 2040, ten years ahead of the Paris Agreement target. To learn more about Aviva's multi asset ESG funds and other ESG investment options available from Aviva, please contact your financial broker or visit www. Addiva ie ESG you.


Video ends

Tools & Calculators

Fund Centre

How are you funds performing and where are they invested? Find out using our daily updated fund centre.

Investment Suitability Tool

This tool can help you to understand how much risk you are prepared to accept when making investment decisions.

Key Information Document

A Key Information Document (KID) is an information sheet that helps you understand and compare the key features, risks and costs of the product and funds you are considering investing in.


What is comprehensive cover?

Comprehensive insurance is as its name suggests, comprehensive. With this type of cover, you'll be protected against windscreen or accidental damage – in addition to everything covered by Third Party, Fire and Theft.

What is third party, fire and theft?

Third Party, Fire and Theft covers damage to your car by theft, attempted theft, or fire – and if your car is stolen. In the event of an accident, it covers claims made against you by other people too e.g., for a personal injury or damage to their property.

Expert advice

Want expert advice on savings and investments? Contact your Financial Broker today.

Manage your policies online

Aviva Online Service Centre

You can access your policy information online through our customer portal.

With Aviva Online Service Centre you can:

  • see the current value of your policy
  • see the funds you’re invested in
  • see how much money you have invested in each fund
  • access our online customer calculators

Useful Documents

News articles


Important information to consider.

Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.

Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.

Warning: These products may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.

Warning: The income you get from this investment may go down as well as up.

The funds referred to in this document may be linked to an insurance-based investment product and the Key Information Document (KID) for this product is available at www.aviva.ie/KIDs. The Risk Ratings of the funds referred to in this document differ from the corresponding Summary Risk Indicators shown in the KID. An explanation of the differences between the Risk Rating and the Summary Risk Indicator is available at the location above.